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HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language)

What is HTML ?

HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. It is the standard markup language used for creating web pages and applications. HTML uses a set of tags to structure the content of a web page and define its layout and appearance.

HTML documents are composed of elements, which are represented by tags. Tags are enclosed in angle brackets, and most tags come in pairs—a starting tag and an ending tag—to define the beginning and end of an element. The content placed between the opening and closing tags is the element's content.


  1. Introduction to HTML

    • What is HTML?
    • HTML versions and standards
    • Setting up a development environment

  2. HTML Document Structure

    • The DOCTYPE declaration
    • The <html>, <head>, and <body> elements
    • Including meta information and linking external files

  3. Text Formatting

    • Heading tags
    • Paragraphs and line breaks
    • Text formatting tags (bold, italic, underline)
    • Lists (ordered and unordered)

  4. Working with Images and Multimedia

    • Inserting images
    • Image attributes and alternative text
    • Embedding audio and video content

  5. Hyperlinks and Navigation

    • Creating internal and external links
    • Linking to specific sections within a page
    • Creating navigation menus

  6. HTML Tables

    • Creating tables
    • Table headers, rows, and columns
    • Merging cells and adding captions

  7. Basic Page Layout

    • Using <div> and <span> elements
    • CSS basics for layout and styling
    • Responsive design concepts

  8. HTML Forms

    • Creating input fields, buttons, and labels
    • Different form elements (text, checkboxes, radio buttons)
    • Handling form submission

  9. HTML Validation and Debugging

    • W3C validation
    • Common HTML errors and debugging techniques

  10. Web Accessibility

    • Understanding accessibility guidelines
    • Adding alt text to images
    • Semantic markup for accessibility


HTML, or Hypertext Markup Language, has a rich history that dates back to the early development of the World Wide Web. Here's a brief overview of the history of HTML:

Origins: In the late 1980s, Tim Berners-Lee, a British computer scientist, developed a system for organizing and sharing information over computer networks. This system eventually became the World Wide Web. In 1990, Berners-Lee created the first version of HTML as a markup language to structure and display documents on the web.

HTML Version History: HTML has evolved over time, with different versions and specifications. The most widely used versions include HTML4, XHTML, HTML5, and the upcoming HTML6. Each version introduced new features, improvements, and changes to the language's syntax and capabilities.

Web Browsing History: When you browse the web using a web browser, the browser keeps a record of the websites you visit. This record is commonly known as your browsing history. It allows you to revisit previously accessed web pages easily. However, the browsing history is specific to the browser you are using, and HTML itself doesn't have a built-in mechanism to track browsing history.

HTML5 History API: HTML5 introduced the History API, which allows web developers to manipulate the browser's history programmatically. It provides methods and events to modify the URL displayed in the browser's address bar without triggering a full page refresh. This API is often used in modern web applications to implement smooth navigation and enable the use of the browser's back and forward buttons within a single-page application.

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